English Open mic - 2-for-1 - SCENE 2
Strandlodsvej 7, 2300 København S
Open mic
Standup show with 7-8 comedians and a host.
You'll find out who they are when you sit in the theater. ;-)
One Thursday every month, Teater Play opens the stage for the English comedians in Copenhagen, so they can test new standup material for the audience.
The Danish mic has been happening for every single Thursday for the past 18 years and now we are expanding to the English scene.
There's always a good mix of fairly well-known, not-so-well-known and very well-known comedians.
Many try out material before their shows, so come and hear the latest jokes before anyone else.
The bar is open 30 min. before the show, and during the break.
We're running a 2-for-1 price on tickets to our OpenMic!
That means one ticket applies as admission for two people!
So bring a friend :-)
NOTE: Age limit: min. 18 years, for the comedians on stage. Please check this out, thank you.
Larger groups (over 10 people) MUST contact us first at kontakt@teaterplay.dk, or call during the day approx. 11-16.
Since our theatre hall is quite intimate with a maximum of 80 audiences, meaning the audience mix is very large. Therefore, we cannot accommodate large groups of, for example, school classes with many young people, as this disrupts the audience diversity.